Classes Information
The prices found here are per person costs for individuals, and groups of less than 5 people. Contact us for group pricing of 5+ individuals.
Course Fee: $99.00 per person
Course Type: In Person
Course Duration: Approximately 3-4 hours
Course Information:
This course is designed for pre-hospital and in-facility medical professionals who do NOT currently possess a Basic Life Support (BLS) license who need to know how to perform CPR and other basic cardiovascular life support skills in a wide variety of settings. BLS instruction includes comprehensive, evidence-based interventions such as high-quality CPR and AED usage in single-rescuer and team scenarios for adults, children, and infants.
To obtain a BLS certification, you must attend the course, pass a written test with 84% or higher, and pass a hands-on assessment of BLS skills. Once issued, a BLS license will be valid for 2 years. We recommend wearing comfortable, loose-fitting clothing to class. Additionally, each student is expected to bring an AHA BLS Provider Manual to the class on the day of instruction.
Student Checklist:
- AHA BLS Provider Manual (REQUIRED)
- Comfortable, loose-fitting clothing
The prices found here are per person costs for individuals, and groups of less than 5 people. Contact us for group pricing of 5+ individuals.
Course Fee: $89.00 per person
Course Type: In Person
Course Duration: Approximately 2-3 hours
Course Information:
This course is designed for pre-hospital and in-facility medical professionals who currently possess a Basic Life Support (BLS) license who need to renew their BLS license. BLS instruction includes comprehensive, evidence-based interventions such as high-quality CPR and AED usage in single-rescuer and team scenarios for adults, children, and infants.
To obtain a BLS certification, you must attend the course, pass a written test with 84% or higher, and pass a hands-on assessment of BLS skills. Once issued, a BLS license will be valid for 2 years. We recommend wearing comfortable, loose-fitting clothing to class. Additionally, each student is expected to bring an AHA BLS Provider Manual to the class on the day of instruction.
Student Checklist:
- AHA BLS Provider Manual (REQUIRED)
- Comfortable, loose-fitting clothing
The prices found here are per person costs for individuals, and groups of less than 5 people. Contact us for group pricing of 5+ individuals.
Course Fee: $69.00 per person
Course Type: Blended
Course Duration: Approximately 1 hour
Course Information:
This course is designed for pre-hospital and in-facility medical professionals who currently possess a Basic Life Support (BLS) license who need to renew their BLS license and want to do the learning portion of the certification at their own pace. This course will only be skills testing for the BLS license. We will not teach material in this course, and each student must present a current Heartcode® BLS Online Certificate of Completion at the beginning of the class.
Note: The link to complete the Heartcode® portion is included when you purchase this course and will be emailed to you after checkout. This must be completed prior to the class. Please print the certificate at the end of the course and bring it with you to class.
After passing the hands-on assessment of BLS skills, you will be issued your card. Once issued, a BLS license will be valid for 2 years. We recommend wearing comfortable, loose-fitting clothing to class.
Student Checklist:
- Heartcode® BLS Online Certificate of Completion
- Comfortable, loose fitting clothing
The prices found here are per person costs for individuals, and groups of less than 5 people. Contact us for group pricing of 5+ individuals.
Course Fee: $79.00 per person
Course Type: In Person
Course Duration: Approximately 3-4 hours
Course Information:
This course is designed for anyone interested in learning how to respond to and manage illnesses and injuries in all ages, in the first few minutes until professional help arrives. Students will be trained to provide CPR and use an automated external defibrillator (AED) in a safe, timely, and effective manner.
After completing the course and passing hands-on assessments of CPR/AED skills, you will be issued your card. Once issued, a Heartsaver® card will be valid for 2 years. We recommend wearing comfortable, loose-fitting clothing to class.
Student checklist:
- Heartsaver® Student Workbook (RECOMMENDED)
- Comfortable, loose-fitting clothing
The prices found here are per person costs for individuals, and groups of less than 5 people. Contact us for group pricing of 5+ individuals.
Course Fee: $69.00 per person
Course Type: In Person
Course Duration: Approximately 3-4 hours
Course Information:
This course is designed for anyone interested in learning how to respond to and manage illnesses and injuries in all ages, in the first few minutes until professional help arrives, who have already had Heartsaver® training. Students will be trained to provide CPR and use an automated external defibrillator (AED) in a safe, timely, and effective manner.
After completing the course and passing hands-on assessments of CPR/AED skills, you will be issued your card. Once issued, a Heartsaver® card will be valid for 2 years. We recommend wearing comfortable, loose-fitting clothing to class.
Student Checklist:
- Heartsaver® Student Workbook (RECOMMENDED)
- Comfortable, loose fitting clothing
The prices found here are per person costs for individuals, and groups of less than 5 people. Contact us for group pricing of 5+ individuals.
Course Fee: $79.00
Course Type: In Person
Course Duration: Approximately 3 hours
Course Information:
This course trains participants first aid basics for the most common first aid emergencies, including how to recognize them, how to call for help, and how to perform lifesaving skills.
After passing the hands-on assessment of Heartsaver® skills, you will be issued your card. Once issued, a Heartsaver® certification will be valid for 2 years. We recommend wearing comfortable, loose-fitting clothing to class.
Student Checklist:
- Comfortable, loose fitting clothing
The prices found here are per person costs for individuals, and groups of less than 5 people. Contact us for group pricing of 5+ individuals.
Course Fee: $99.00 per person
Course Type: In Person
Course Duration: Approximately 4-5 hours
Course Information:
This course trains participants first aid basics for the most common first aid emergencies, including how to recognize them, how to call for help, and how to perform lifesaving skills. Further, you will learn how to give CPR and use an automated external defibrillator (AED), in the first few minutes until professional help arrives.
After passing the hands-on assessment of Heartsaver® skills, you will be issued your card in both CPR/AED and First Aid. Once issued, a Heartsaver® certification will be valid for 2 years. We recommend wearing comfortable, loose-fitting clothing to class.
Student Checklist:
- Comfortable, loose-fitting clothing
The prices found here are per person costs for individuals, and groups of less than 5 people. Contact us for group pricing of 5+ individuals.
Course Fee: $279.00 per person
Course Type: In Person
Course Duration: Approximately 4-5 hours
Course Information:
This course is designed for pre-hospital and in-facility medical professionals who currently possess an Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) license who need to renew their ACLS license and want to do the learning portion of the certification at their own pace. This course will only be skills testing for the ACLS license. We will not teach material in this course, and each student must present a current Heartcode® ACLS Online Certificate of Completion at the beginning of the class.
Note: The link to complete the Heartcode® portion is included when you purchase this course and will be emailed to you after checkout. This must be completed prior to the class. Please print the certificate at the end of the course and bring it with you to class.
Student Checklist:
- Heartcode® ACLS Online Certificate of Completion
- Comfortable, loose-fitting clothing
The prices found here are per person costs for individuals, and groups of less than 5 people. Contact us for group pricing of 5+ individuals.
Course Fee: $279.00 per person
Course Type: In Person
Course Duration: Approximately 4-5 hours
Course Information:
This course is designed for pre-hospital and in-facility medical professionals who currently possess a Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) license who need to renew their PALS license and want to do the learning portion of the certification at their own pace. This course will only be skills testing for the PALS license. We will not teach material in this course, and each student must present a current Heartcode® PALS Online Certificate of Completion at the beginning of the class.
Note: The link to complete the Heartcode® portion is included when you purchase this course and will be emailed to you after checkout. This must be completed prior to the class. Please print the certificate at the end of the course and bring it with you to class.
Student Checklist:
- Heartcode® ACLS Online Certificate of Completion
- Comfortable, loose-fitting clothing